2024 International XXX. APIS User Conference

International APIS User Conference

When: September 17 and 18, 2024
Where: Hotel The Monarch, Bad Gögging

Ladies and gentlemen, dear APIS users,

We have the pleasure to announce the International XXX APIS User Conference!

This annual event brings together APIS IQ-Software users from all over the world to listen to fascinating presentations, engage in inspiring conversations, share their experience with other users, and take advantage of the unique opportunity to talk directly to the software developers and to our support team.

This year's conference will take place on September 17 and 18, 2024 at The Monarch Hotel in Bad Gögging.

We look forward to meeting you at the XXX APIS User Conference in Bad Gögging.

Conference program

Get-together: Monday, 09-16-2024

Starting at 7.30 p.m. in the hotel
Meet the other participants and exchange ideas with them in a relaxed atmosphere

Day 1: Tuesday, 09-17-2024

08:30 - Reception
Bianca Reinecke, Claudia Schuldt - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

09:00 - Welcome speech
Andreas Dietz - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

09:10 - Past and future
Jürgen Eilers - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

09:30 - Building a module-base Process FMEA structure using the CARM Server
Rolf Reckels - WITTENSTEIN alpha GmbH

10:00 - Things are getting serious – the Marriage FMEA, FMEA from another area of life
Martin Zieglowski, Marc Klausgraber - MAGNA Engineering & Testing GmbH

10:30 - Coffee break

11:00 - Efficient and traceable AI applications with an FMEA-based information system
Dietmar Winkler and Sebastian Kropatschek - CDP Center for Digital Production GmbH

11:45 - On our own behalf: A personal review and outlook
Peter Rosenbeck - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

12:15 - Lunch break

13:45 - Risk management: Definitions and positioning of the FMEA
Alexander Schloske - Fraunhofer-Institut IPA

14:30 - FMEA as development tool for scientific research products
Nina Gemein - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)

15:00 - Coffee break

15:30 - Documentation 2.0 incl. Management Report
Hannes Fuchs, Alexander Zollner - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

15:50 - FMEA: A mere formality! And effective too?
Oskar Weinmann - ebm-papst St. Georgen GmbH & Co. KG

Day 2: Wednesday, 09-18-2024

08:30 - AP, RPN, Risk Matrices need help: Achieving PFMEA Process Priorities from Customer Design Requirements using Pairwise Comparison and HOQ
Chad Johnson - APIS North America, Inc.

09:00 - New features in the APIS IQ Software V8.0
John Rainer - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

09:45 - Modules, effective creation of FMEAs considering the lessons learned concept
Jens Petersen - Marquardt GmbH

10:15 - Coffee break

10:45 - Qualitative & quantitative maturity assessment of the FMEA
Andreas Beckert - Continental AG
Ralf Oberle - Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH

11:30 - Give me the S, otherwise I can't (A standard approach to the interaction of Design and Process FMEA)
Sören Hesse - Semikron Danfoss Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG
Riccardo Stüber - FMEA EFFEKTiv

12:15 - Lunch break

13:45 - Reverse FMEA – how to use it appropriately?
Andreas Aichele - Fraunhofer-Institut IPA

14:15 - Tips and tricks
Alexander Weiß - APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH

15:00 - Closing words

Conference Package

Early bird - Registration until May 31, 2024: 1,099 EUR (plus VAT)

Regular price - Registration as of June 1, 2024: 1,249 EUR (plus VAT)

(A hotel room can be booked separately via the hotel - please see our recommendation further below.)

All presentations held on day 1 and day 2 will be translated simultaneously (GER/EN).

Additional day: Workshop

Why not kill two birds with one stone and combine the International APIS User Conference with the workshop Update Training IQ V8.0 on the additional day, Thursday, 09-19-2024. The class will give you a compact overview of the main differences between version 7.0 and the new main version APIS IQ software version 8.0.

Thursday, 09-19-2024 (Update Training IQ V8.0)

In order to maintain our leading position in software for FMEA, risk analysis, and functional safety and to extend our lead over the competition, a multitude of improvements and additional functions are realized in each new version of the APIS IQ Software.

To make it easier for you to switch from the previous version to the new software version, we will give you a concise overview of the most important new features and changes in the workshop in order to enable you to work with the new version in a targeted manner.

Part 1
Compact overview of the main differences between APIS IQ-Software Version 7.0 and Version 8.0

Part 2
Open Q&A section

Target group
FMEA supervisors and FMEA facilitators who want to learn about the new features of IQ-V8.0 in a concise form

German, no translation

660.00 € plus VAT
Dinner the evening before included

Be part of it!

Please note that only registrations via our online form will be considered. Registration deadline is August 31, 2024!

Register now...

Event location & hotel reservation

The Monarch Hotel GmbH‍
Kaiser-Augustus-Strasse 36
D-93333 Bad Gögging

Please indicate the keyword when making your reservation:‍ APIS September 2024‍
The price for a single room/double room is € 108.00/night breakfast included
Rooms can be canceled free of charge up to 7 days before the day of arrival.

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