Individual user training


Individual training agenda

Seminar content at a glance

  • You determine your individual agenda for the seminar in consultation with us.

  • The seminar duration depends on the scope of the topic and is staggered in daily steps (1 day, 2 days, etc.).

You need a seminar with a customised agenda. No problem. Request an Individual user training here. Our expert will then coordinate the agenda and the time required with you. You will receive an offer based on this.
Typically, this seminar lasts 1 to 3 days as a face-to-face event (presence) or 2 to 5 half-day sessions as a live online event.

Target group

FMEA managers and FMEA facilitators

Prior knowledge

The required prior knowledge will be specified as part of the agenda coordination or the agenda will be expanded to include the required basics.


Experienced APIS trainer

Good support ratio due to limited number of participants

Temporary IQ training licence

Seminar documentation, if possible

Seminar contents and procedure

Seminar content: Suggestions for topics
  • Interlocking of the PFMEA with the process flow diagram and control plan

  • Creation of a logistics FMEA as an applicable document for the PFMEA

  • Working in parallel with an IQ file (consolidation)

  • Targeted training for your CARM server modules

Seminar content: Joint practical exercises

The topics on your individual agenda are deepened in the IQ software with joint practical exercises.

Seminar schedule/times

In-classroom: usually 1 to 3 days

Live-Online: usually 2 to 5 half-day sessions

Seminar times for in-classroom or online by individual arrangement