
Help & support

Questions concerning license and customer data

For questions regarding license and customer data administration please write to, or call +49 (0)9482 94 15 – 0
This number leads you to the Customerservice team. We take care of all questions about license and customer data.

First place to go

Online Help and manual

  • The online Help is available within the APIS IQ software and can be opened by the menu command "Help | Content...".
  • You can download the APIS IQ software manual for free in our download area.

Further help

Please note that support beyond installation assistance can only be provided as part of a maintenance contract.

You do not have a maintenance contract yet? If you have further questions or need additional information, our sales department will be glad to assist you.

Maintenance contract


With all support requests please convey your license number. You can find it in the APIS IQ software via "Help | Info".

  • Support by e-mail – You can send us your comments and questions about our software via (German and English).

  • Support by telephone: +49 (0)9482 94 15 – 42 – This number will take you to our Support team, who will provide you with advice and support (in German and English).

Our office hours are:
Monday – Thursday 08:30-12:15 and 12:45 – 17:00
Friday 08:30 – 12:15 and 12:45 – 16:00 , Central European time (CET)

Support APIS North America, LLC

For support contacts on the American continent

  • Support by (English).

  • Support by Telephone: +1 .800.470.8970 (English).

  • Our office hours are: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00, Eastern Time (ET)

Support APIS Information Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

For support contacts in China

  • Support by (Chinese).

  • Support by Telephone: +86 (0)21 – 5989-1118 (Chinese).