System- and process elements without characteristics

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System- and process elements without characteristics


A search will be performed for system- and process elements, for which no functions have been assigned


  • ASIL = Automotive safety integrity level
  • BF = Base failure of a base function
  • BFn = Base function of a base structure element
  • BSE = Base structure element
  • Cl Prc = Classification for process characteristic
  • Cl Prd = Classification for product characteristic
  • Cl Req = Classification for requirement
  • CM = Control method
  • DA = Detection action
  • DC = Diagnostic coverage
  • DSCF = Dangerous safety critical failure
  • Er Det = Error detection
  • Er Resp = Error response
  • F = Failure
  • FIT = Failure in time
  • Fn = Function
  • FSM = Functional safety management
  • IE = Inspection equipment
  • LF = Latent fault
  • LFM = Latent fault metric
  • OC = Operating condition
  • PA = Preventive action
  • PE = Process element
  • PFH = Probability of failure per Hour
  • PMHF = Probabilistic metric for random hardware failures
  • PrcC = Process characteristic
  • PrdC = Product characteristic
  • QM = Quality method
  • QR = Quality rule
  • Req = Requirement
  • RMR = Risk Matrix Ranking
  • RP = Reaction plan
  • SE = Structure element
  • SE ErDet = Structure element for error detections
  • SE ErResp = Structure element for error responses
  • SFF = Safe failure fraction
  • SG = Safety Goal
  • SIL = Safety integrity level
  • SM = Organisational-SE for “safety mechanisms”
  • SPF = Single point fault
  • SPFM = Single point fault metric
  • TF = Top failure of a top function
  • TFn = Top function at root element
  • TS = Test sample


  • This structure consists of six system elements (system element) and three process elements (Process element), each of which have a different amount of functions (function), product characteristics (Product characteristic) and process characteristics (Process characteristic) assigned.
  • This Quality Rule identifies any system- and process elements which do not have product- and/or process characteristics assigned. Using the Structure Editor, it is possible to visually analyze which elements will be part of the results.

Search result: Search results

In total there are four system elements and one process element, which have not process and/or product characteristics assigned. These are SE1, BSE1, SE2, BSE2 and PE2.

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