Types of characteristics and requirements with inconsistent classifications

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Types of characteristics and requirements with inconsistent classifications


Types of characteristics (product characteristics, process characteristics) and requirements with more than one instance will be searched for, for which the instances have inconsistent classification entries.


  • Types are IQ objects that are recorded in catalogs and carry information that is the same for all instances of the type.
  • Instances of IQ objects are created when IQ objects are selected from the catalogs and reused elsewhere in the IQ-Software.



  • The sample structure above consists of three structure elements, each of which has two requirements (
    ), two product characteristics (
    Product characteristic
    ), and two process characteristics (
    Process characteristic
    ) assigned.
  • This Quality Rule detects those characteristics and requirements that have more than one instance, which then again have different classification values. By selecting suitable display options, you can see in the structure list that every characteristic and every requirement has three instances {3}. The respective assignment of the classification values to the instances is represented as well.
  • The third instance of PrdC1 and all instances of PrcC2 do not have any classification value because these IQ objects were not assigned classifications.

Search result:

You can see from the structure list in our example that requirement Req2, product characteristic PrdC1 and process characteristic PrcC1 are shown in the search result when the described quality rule is applied. As each IQ object found has three instances, all instances are marked as hits, which is why a total of nine hits is listed.

Because the classifications of all instances of PrcC2 are unknown, the instances of that IQ object are not shown as hits in the search result. That is why PrcC2 is not marked.

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