Objects with not up-to-date translations

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Objects with not up-to-date translations


A search will be performed for IQ-objects, whereby in at least one document language it is not up-to-date.
These objects have been updated in the reference language but have not been updated in all document languages.


  • ASIL = Automotive safety integrity level
  • BF = Base failure of a base function
  • BFn = Base function of a base structure element
  • BSE = Base structure element
  • Cl Prc = Classification for process characteristic
  • Cl Prd = Classification for product characteristic
  • Cl Req = Classification for requirement
  • CM = Control method
  • DA = Detection action
  • DC = Diagnostic coverage
  • DSCF = Dangerous safety critical failure
  • Er Det = Error detection
  • Er Resp = Error response
  • F = Failure
  • FIT = Failure in time
  • Fn = Function
  • FSM = Functional safety management
  • IE = Inspection equipment
  • LF = Latent fault
  • LFM = Latent fault metric
  • OC = Operating condition
  • PA = Preventive action
  • PE = Process element
  • PFH = Probability of failure per Hour
  • PMHF = Probabilistic metric for random hardware failures
  • PrcC = Process characteristic
  • PrdC = Product characteristic
  • QM = Quality method
  • QR = Quality rule
  • Req = Requirement
  • RMR = Risk Matrix Ranking
  • RP = Reaction plan
  • SE = Structure element
  • SE ErDet = Structure element for error detections
  • SE ErResp = Structure element for error responses
  • SFF = Safe failure fraction
  • SG = Safety Goal
  • SIL = Safety integrity level
  • SM = Organisational-SE for “safety mechanisms”
  • SPF = Single point fault
  • SPFM = Single point fault metric
  • TF = Top failure of a top function
  • TFn = Top function at root element
  • TS = Test sample

  • In the structure shown above, the translation language English is used in addition to the reference language German.
  • The picture above shows the structure of the selected translation language, here English. The display options are set so that only the translation language is displayed in the graphics window and the reference language (in second place) in the structure list. The structure contains objects that have already been translated and objects that have not yet been translated.
  • When a new translation language is added, the IQ names are first automatically copied from the reference language to the new translation language. As such, initially they are identical. In e.g. the Data Manager “Terminology and translation”, translations can then be added.
  • If a change to an IQ-object is made in the reference language, the question is whether the IQ object must also be updated in the translation language. The IQ-Software shows these cases by italicizing the name in the reference language.

Search result Search results:

In this example, Four objects have been altered in the reference language but not updated in the translation language.

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