Failures with deviating fault tree causes

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Failures with deviating fault tree causes


Failures will be searched for that are anchored in a fault tree and have causes that are missing or incorrectly linked in the fault tree.



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  • The sample structure consists of three structure elements, each having one function with different numbers of failures assigned. The result is the following failure net:

  • In our example, the failure net is confronted with a fault tree that is recognizably missing an error cause at F1 and that has incorrect failure causes at F2 and F3:

  • The described Quality Rule is intended to detect missing or false links in the fault tree. For our example structure, the following search result is obtained:

Search result:

As the QR searches for failures, the causes of which are missing or incorrectly linked in the fault tree when compared with the failure net, the failures F1, F2, and F3 are marked as hits. F1 because the associated cause BF2 is missing. F2 and F3 are shown in the search result because they are linked to other causes in the fault tree compared to the failure net.

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