Action groups with unrated measures

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Action groups with unrated measures


Action groups will be searched for that are not discarded and have no O rating and/or D rating assigned.



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  • In the structure shown above, preventive actions (PA; hot-click icon ) and detection actions (DA; hot-click icon ) are anchored to various failures and summarized in action groups.
  • When it is coupled to a failure, a default revision state is assigned to each action in the IQ-Software. That state is defined in the general document settings. Five revision states are available. All states are available in the above example.
  • The altogether 13 action groups partly have O ratings and D rating assigned and partly have no O ratings and D ratings assigned. The discussed Quality Rule is intended to detect such action groups that have no O rating and/or D rating assigned.
  • All action groups are included in the search of the Quality Rule, which have at least one action assigned that is not discarded. In the example above, this applies to the action group at failure BF5, not at failure BF2 though.

Search result: Search results

Applying the filter to the structure represented above will lead to finding three action groups that have no O rating and/or no D rating and which do not consist exclusively of actions with the revision state “discarded”.

These are the action groups found in the first and second revision state at failure BF1 and the action group in the revision state at failure BF5.

The action group at BF2 is not included in the search result because its complete status is “discarded”.

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