Action groups without O rating but with D rating
A search will be made for action groups (that haven’t been rejected), whereby both action types are present and a D rating has been assigned but not an O rating.
- ASIL = Automotive safety integrity level
- BF = Base failure of a base function
- BFn = Base function of a base structure element
- BSE = Base structure element
- Cl Prc = Classification for process characteristic
- Cl Prd = Classification for product characteristic
- Cl Req = Classification for requirement
- CM = Control method
- DA = Detection action
- DC = Diagnostic coverage
- DSCF = Dangerous safety critical failure
- Er Det = Error detection
- Er Resp = Error response
- F = Failure
- FIT = Failure in time
- Fn = Function
- FSM = Functional safety management
- IE = Inspection equipment
- LF = Latent fault
- LFM = Latent fault metric
- OC = Operating condition
- PA = Preventive action
- PE = Process element
- PFH = Probability of failure per Hour
- PMHF = Probabilistic metric for random hardware failures
- PrcC = Process characteristic
- PrdC = Product characteristic
- QM = Quality method
- QR = Quality rule
- Req = Requirement
- RMR = Risk Matrix Ranking
- RP = Reaction plan
- SE = Structure element
- SE ErDet = Structure element for error detections
- SE ErResp = Structure element for error responses
- SFF = Safe failure fraction
- SG = Safety Goal
- SIL = Safety integrity level
- SM = Organisational-SE for “safety mechanisms”
- SPF = Single point fault
- SPFM = Single point fault metric
- TF = Top failure of a top function
- TFn = Top function at root element
- TS = Test sample
- In the above structure, there are (anchored to several different failures) eight preventive actions (PA;
Hot-click icon
) and seven detection actions (DA; Hot click icon
- When an action is linked to a failure in the IQ-Software, it is assigned a default deadline status. You can determine this status in the Document settings | General settings for actions. A total of five deadline statuses can be assigned. All five are used in this example.
- The 15 actions in this example are divided into six action groups. Of these six groups, five do not have a O rating assigned. One of these five action groups also has the status of “rejected”.
Search result:
Using this Quality Rule on the above example structure, 2 hits are delivered that match the criteria (no O rating but do have D ratings and do not have the status “rejected”).
The first is found at the one at the initial state at failure BF1, the second at the first revision state at failure BF5.
The action group at BF2 is considered in the results because the status is set to “rejected”.