Focus failure with directly secured failure effects

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You are currently in the MSR Form and have (by running your cursor over the info icon) been shown the following information.

The focus failure does not provide any information displayed in the MSR form (RISK ANALYSIS (STEP 5)). It is, however, linked (in direction of failure effects) with failures that have such information. By right-clicking, you can use “Open new temporary view” to view these failure effects, which then each become focus failures in the MSR form. The option “Open web page (note)” leads to a page with further information on this topic.

This notification highlights the fact that you have focused on a failure that is not directly linked to mechatronic objects in the Failure Graph or Failure Net (operating condition (OC), error detection (Er Det) and/or error response (Er Resp)). As such, the corresponding places in the MSR form are empty.

A focus failure that is not directly linked to a mechatronic object can look as follows in the Failure Graph:

The selected focus failure would then look as follows in the MSR forum, section Risk Analysis (Step 5):

The fields for OC, Er Det and Er Resp are, as you can see, empty. These fields are only populated with data when the failure f12 is focussed on; because this failure is directly linked to mechatronic objects.

It is possible to view this data using the IQ-Software with aid of the context menu (right-click) by selecting the command “Open new temporary view”, when the notification text appears. For the example used here on this page, the MSR form looks as follows for Risk Analysis (Step 5), whereby the failure f12 becomes the focus element:


In practice, multiple failure effects including mechatronic objects can be linked to (in this example) the focus failure f11. See the following image:

By using the command “Open new temporary view” via the info icon, the IQ-Software will then provide the data otherwise hidden, in the MSR Form Risk Analysis (Step 5). The three failures effects will become focus elements. This looks as follow:

Note: The IQ-Software is constantly being improved and updated. As such, the images you see here may differ from that of your current IQ-service pack. Despite this, the content/information from this page remains the same.