Action in customer operation has status “completed”

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You are currently in the MSR Form and have (by running your cursor over the info icon) been shown the following information.

The action anchored here in customer operation currently has the status “completed”.
By right-clicking the info icon, you will see the “Open web page (note)” which leads you to further information on this topic.

The above note indicates to the IQ-user that the action in customer operation anchored here, which was derived from a safety mechanism previously placed here, has been assigned the status “completed”. This means that the safety mechanism has been correctly implemented in the technical system, from an FMEA viewpoint. 

The following images depict an example of this situation using the Structure Editor, Failure Graph and MSR Form.

Structure Editor

Failure Graph


Note: The IQ-Software is constantly being improved and updated. As such, the images you see here may differ from that of your current IQ-service pack. Despite this, the content/information from this page remains the same.