Provider identification of APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH and legal information
APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH
Gewerbepark A 13
D-93086 Wörth/Donau
Phone: +49-(0)9482-94 15-0
Registered in the commercial register
at Amtsgericht (Local Court) Regensburg – HRB 18043
VAT ID pursuant to Art. 27 German Value Added Tax Act
DE 334 652 484
Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution
Data privacy
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Represented by the managing directors
Julia Anna Dietz, Jürgen Eilers, Peter Rosenbeck
Bank details
Sparkasse Regensburg
(BLZ 750 500 00), Konto 61207668
IBAN: DE33 7505 0000 0061 2076 68
General information
The information on our website is subject to change without notice. APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH does not assume any liability whatsoever in this regard. The software described is supplied on the basis of a license agreement. All rights are reserved worldwide.
The website content must not be reproduced, distributed, rewritten, or translated into any language, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH.
APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH does not assume any liability for the completeness and correctness of the contents of the website and the performance of the software mentioned. The publisher and authors cannot assume any legal responsibility or liability for incorrect information and its consequences.
Notes on pre-release versions
Information on future versions is provided exclusively in order to notify registered users in advance. There is no obligation to implement the functionality as it is shown. We do expressly point out that it is NOT guaranteed that the data entered in pre-release versions are readable in the final version.
Pre-release versions and related information (screenshots, images, printouts, etc.) may be passed on to third parties only with the express written permission of APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH.
Legal notice
APIS®, CARM®, IQ-RM®, and IQ-FMEA® are registered trademarks of APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH.
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The author of the linked pages is solely responsible for their content. The links are for information purposes only. APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH does not adopt their contents as its own. APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages and does therefore not accept any liability whatsoever.
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If we violate your copyright with the publication, please let us know and we will change the content immediately. If there is a serious change in case law and the content of these pages is incorrect, please give us the opportunity to correct the situation.
Picture credits
All image rights, except for the rights to the images specified in the list below, are held by APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH.
The following images from the following copyright holders are used on this website:
DSC2452 Donaublick Regensburg: Autor: Wikimedia-User:Doktent, lizensiert unter Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland
relexa hotel Airport Düsseldorf-Ratingen, Berliner Straße 95-97, 40880 Ratingen
HARBR. hotel Heilbronn: DQuadrat Living GmbH, Solitudestraße 48, 71638 Ludwigsburg
WTZ Tagungs- und Eventlocation: marks GmbH, Nordstraße 8, 74226 Nordheim
The Monarch Hotel GmbH, Kaiser-Augustus-Straße 36, 93333 Bad Gögging