Feature of the Month - August 2023


Undocked Object Inspector

Highlights of Undocked Object Inspector

  • Efficiently capture and edit information: The undocked Object Inspector lets you capture and edit information quickly and easily. The easy-to-use interface lets you keep track of relevant data and update it effortlessly.
  • Dynamic information display as you select objects: The undocked Object Inspector provides dynamic information display for selected objects. You can instantly see the relevant details and properties of the selected object without losing context.
  • Optimal editing of variant-specific values: Use the undocked Object Inspector to effectively view and edit variant-specific values. Customize the properties and attributes of objects for different variants and keep track of variant-specific values.
  • Compare View for Multiple Selected Objects: The undocked Object Inspector can display attribute values not only for a single object, but also for multiple selections, optionally even in a matrix display.

Undocked Object Inspector

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